Sustainable Goals in Medicine

Good Health and medicine Well Being matter more than any other agenda in life, and this applies to the entire human race irrespective of the differentiating parameters. Ensuring healthy lives has become even more crucial after the pandemic has pointed out the importance of good health. Health is truly an inalienable and fundamental right of all humans, and SDGs aim to promote them. 

Ever since the creation of millennium development goals globally as Sustainable goals in medicine, there have been several improvements in the lifestyle of people and, most importantly, their health. There is a reduced infant mortality rate, improved maternal health, and better tackling of HIV or AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and other diseases. Health is among the best summative measures of progress in nations willing to achieve sustainable goals. Good health will contribute to the nation’s development through reduced expenditure on critical illness care, more significant national employment, and high social cohesion. 

The SDG or Sustainable development goals act as a guide and a call to action to transform the world into a better place to live in. It is a policy or a track of actions to promote well-being on the planet, to promote justice and equality and ensure that every living organism can enjoy a fundamental right to a healthy life with at least the basic minimum standards fulfilled. The SDGs taken up by the countries mainly focus on improving the quality of people’s life. Health is perhaps one of the primary factors that will ensure the standard of living and accurately indicate people’s life status.

Primary Health Care

Primary health care is a fundamental pillar of sustainable development goals. SDG 3, in the list of universally accepted Sustainable goals, speaks about health and well-being SDG 3 says: Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Being for All at All Ages. Health and medicine are one the primary pieces of equipment that can revolutionize people’s lives for the better. Health-related SDG is not a lonely agenda; it is incorporated into almost all the other sustainable development goals. In this aspect,medicine public health goals and integrated approaches are critical. 

Using Technology in the Field of Medicine

Integrating technology into healthcare systems is one of the many routes to achieving a sustainable health goal. With the advent of databases dependent on technology, nations can now trace the healthcare system better. The state will have a total record of the healthcare system. From how many people are getting vaccinated to the total number of admissions in the state-funded hospitals and even data like the daily infant natality and mortality rates. The information can help in tracking. Identification is the basal foundation of introducing change. So, if a nation has a wholly verified and available database regarding the health status of its citizens, it is easy to identify the parameters they need to work on. This is an ideal way to keep upgrading the healthcare system and identify and rapidly remove the loopholes in the system.

Greater Employment in the Front Line

Employing more people, especially the young generation, as frontline healthcare workers. Something truly desirable that a state can do to improve the health system is to ensure enough workforce working. People should not die or receive poor health support because there aren’t enough people to help. In fact, by increasing the employment scope in the healthcare sector, the government can also reduce unemployment issues while guaranteeing good health to the citizens. So, it is like channeling the workforce into something worthwhile. This step can also improve the economy.

Guided and Large-Scale Investments

Make large-scale and guided investments. Investing in the healthcare sector should be a prime agenda of the state budgets. Resource allocation and utilization are two fundamental approaches toward improving any country’s healthcare system and attaining health care related SDG. It is not only about spending money but also allocating the resources on the right track to get the best output. Good governance can strengthen the community by achieving health-related SDGs. 

Access to Sanitation and Hygiene

Health is well placed in the sustainable goals scenario. Universal Health Coverage or UHC and access to quality healthcare are two main beams of the health-related SDG. It is interlinked with other SDGs, such as poverty reduction, education, gender equality, and access to clean water and sanitation. So, here comes the next agenda – access to clean water and sanitation. This is a requirement at all stages – in homes, schools, public areas, etc. 


To attain the best health also means acquiring the immunity and strength to fight protection. Since immemorial, viruses and other microbes have shared the earth’s space with humans. Often, they infect humans and cause infections. These infections can be on individual levels or can cause epidemics and pandemics. One of the recent pandemics of Covid 19 had stopped all human activities on Earth. Vaccination is the best way to prevent such outbreaks and protect the mass population on Earth. Vaccination drives are one of the major public health campaigns taken up by the state governments of most countries. This is one of the efficient ways to protect a significant section of populations against diseases that could spread quickly and affect the herd. Through effective vaccination, diseases like polio, measles and rubella are on the verge of extinction, and that alone is a massive victory. 

More outstanding research and development in medicine will foster better discoveries and inventions. For example, the concept of customized tailor-made medicine is becoming more popular recently. 


Awareness among the mass public regarding sustainable medicine goals is another meaningful way to incorporate the urge to achieve them. Achieving sustainable medical goals is a big thing and needs the participation of several pillars. The ordinary citizens, the state governments, and the Medicine and health departments all need to unite and play their specific roles in the systems to help achieve sustainable health goals. We must be open to new technology and incorporate them in our daily life to better attain sustainable medical goals. 

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