Metaverse – A new concept

There is not one single human being on the planet now who is unaware of how Facebook has changed the lives of human descendants and has successfully made the world one single place. The term Meta has become quite common to all of us now because one of the core apps that holds a major place in our lives has been renamed to it. Mark Zuckerberg has renamed his organization, Meta. Needless to say, as is evident from the name Metaverse is a brainchild of MMeta and is all set to revolutionize our living experience as tech-savvy humans.

Metaverse aims at the creation of a  virtual world where you will have your own virtual universe. You will be able to hang out, have parties, weekend meets, reunions, office meetings, and seminars, even shop from stores all of it virtually and through the comfort of your home. It is going to be a surreal reality that is hard to believe now but as promised by Meta is going to be soon a dream come true for all of us.

Meta by Mark Zuckerberg has already announced a delineation of its funds where almost $10 billion of its assets is going to get into the development process of Metaverse. Metaverse is that hard to believe an evolutionary child of the internet that is going to simply redefine how we live, think, and interact. As per the commitments of the company Meta, if this turns out to be true it is definitely going to be one of the biggest inventions and life-changing experiences for human beings. Metaverse is going to be widespread over innumerable faucets making it multidimensional and interdisciplinary. From shopping to parties, office meetings to gaming, it is going to be a vast digital facsimile where people will have their avatars collaborate with others through a strong digital connection.

Revolutionary Metaverse

Metaverse has been projected as so immense and hard to believe and life-changing, that people are almost on the verge of thinking it is some digital magic that they will never be able to decode. However, that is not true. In very simple words, Metaverse is aimed at building a community over the internet just as Facebook did. The members of this community will be able to interact with each other through their avatars.

If we talk about previous references then the first emotion should be of the novel “Snow Crash” that was published back in the year 1992. The only difference is that back in those times this concept was introduced as fiction, and standing today we can assume it to be a reality.

By using Metaverse people will have their representation in a community through their avatars. You can shop from your favorite store through digital currency, play your favorite video games in the surreal environment and also have extreme fun by hanging out with your Metaverse communities through digital and virtual parties or hangouts. That not only sounds to be cool and fascinating but also is going to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in human scientific endeavors ever.

The pandemic has instilled in us the urge to stay connected and together as a close-knit community without any physical interaction. Metaverse is simply a beautiful way to realize the same goals that the pandemic taught us. Through metaverse, you can travel to your favorite destinations without physically being there, you can explore all that you have wanted to and from the comfort of your home. All of this sounds to be super exciting and we are all looking forward to the lid of excitement that metaverse can bring to our lives. You will have plenty of virtual controllers and reality headsets.

How is Metaverse Different?

One of the many reasons that the Metaverse concept still seems to be in a veil for us is that we are not exactly being able to figure out how different is metaverse from the rest of the components on Internet? Because on that internet there are so many applications and softwares through which we can communicate then what is so special or unique about Metaverse? Now, one of the basic facts that must be understood is that – Metaverse is not a competitor for the rest of the virtual components on the Internet. Instead, it is a completely different aspect of virtual reality and far more advanced.

The core goal of the metaverse and also its distinguishing feature is that through Metaverse the users can virtually travel around and also lead a social life like never before. It is not only concentrated on sharing love and compassion but also to make the professional task easier. For example, you can also conduct very vital office meetings with the same.

Metaverse is a perfect amalgamation of all the interactive components you find on the internet. It fabricates Virtual Reality, AI, Augmented Reality digital currency, and social media components all together to create a solid base for communication and interaction. The core fact is that you can browse but Metaverse is a brainchild of the internet where you can reside and live happily with your community.

Metaverse is not all about Facebook. It is indeed the new hot cake of the entire Silicon Valley. Also, this is not an idea that bloomed out of the box all of a sudden. Metaverse is just a manifestation and a projection that has taken up a new edge now. Over decades the concept to develop and integrate the reality of 3D computation with augmented reality has been on the table.

Metaverse is peaking the idea with some enormous changes in it – all for a progression that is definitely better. Now, what is taking people aback is the extent of Metaverse. People are trying to find out and imagine the boundaries or limits of Metaverse and that is what is creating all the hype about it, even before its existence.

The tech mammoths like Microsoft, Nvidia, Qualcomm, HTC, Apple, Valve, Epic, and many others are all going to join hands with Meta to make this dream project turn into reality. The concept of the metaverse is quite a bit squishy even to date. You can rightly attribute it to a marked evolutionary renaissance of the internet. Now, so many people must be thinking, we can even easily connect with our loved ones through a zoom call or a google video meeting and carry out all our loved online shopping through e-commerce like Amazon. Then what more has metaverse to offer.

Well, in simpler terms, the uniqueness of metaverse would revolve around its spatial and temporal existence domains. You can only stay connected with your friends and family while you are on the zoom call or in the video meeting. Once that is over, you will no longer be able to see them. However, your avatars on metaverse will be forever present. It is going to be a whole ecosystem of digital presence that is going to be independent and feature the word forever on the temporal and spatial dimensions.

Mark Zukerberg is extremely optimistic about Metaverse and says that our lives on metaverse will be parallel with our lives on IRL. You can actually experience digital parks, community halls, and neighborhoods at Metaverse where your kids can stroll about and you can spend quality time with your partner. It is going to be our very own virtual world, and a virtual community so surreal that we will surely once deny that truth is not stronger than fiction.

The Reality of Business

The best part is that even though this whole idea is a bit skeptical and has actually not taken up any tangible physical form yet, investors are literally flooding to mobilize their money in this revolutionary project. One of the most important reasons is undoubtedly the flagship of Meta led by Mark Zuckerberg that gives them every single reason to believe that it will be a success.

There are multiple speculations regarding the Metaverse. For example, whether there will be one metaverse or many metaverses, remains a matter of question. Also, how much are people going to actually pay for using metaverse remains a matter of speculation. As per reports, the net investment that is flowing in for the metaverse project is more than many billions. This interoperable platform is all set to feature plenty of add on as well. We are yet to dive deep into the universe of Metaverse and explore what it has in store for us.

Final Words

Metaverse is expected to be our virtual fantasy world. Though we cannot control most of the aspects of our life and have to give in to the flow that is pre destined at times, let us see whether we can enjoy the ultimate fun of controlling our lives and the whereabouts of the world around us through this beautiful augmented reality and virtual fantasy world of Metaverse. There is so much yet to discover but the world is sure that Meta is not going to let us down.

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