Period Leaves – A Right or Gain?

India has been progressive in accepting some crucial issues in recent years and have a conversation about them. On the contrary, there are several such issues which are not backed with much progressive mindset. Periods- a word that is enclosed in minds of India but it’s very existence has lead to the evolution of mankind. Whenever there is a conversation regarding periods people are either awkward or they want to keep mum. According to a survey “nearly 34% of women don’t get regular periods” which means  half of the time women are tensed with their due dates. This is indeed a time to stress over women’s health all over the world.

To make the situation worst, women’s menstruation is seen as pretext for their behaviour. Women are ridiculed with remarks like “your PMS must be the reason for your poor actions”. “Periods are perceived as women’s weakness and the same reason has drastically minimized opportunities for females at different working entities”- says Shinza a deputy manager. The deteriorating state of such mentality commence when humankind lack empathy especially men. In order to make every workplace cheerful and productive men have to come forward and take charge of understanding women’s health condition.

Adding to a revolution like change, Former Lok Sabha MP Ninong Ering (Arunanchal Pradesh) presented a Menstruation benefit bill in 2017. The motive was to bring a sparking debate over monthly period leaves for women. These benefits would not be limited to workplaces but schools too, girls who are studying in either 8th standard or above. Menstruation benefit bill not only questioned our government for it’s plans on periods but also brought India into light among countries where such laws were enlisted.

THE MENSTRUATION BENEFITS BILL look forward to provide two days of menstrual leave every month annually for transgenders and women, no matter it is private or public sector. Also The bill procures better working environment for women’s maximum comfort.

Few days back Zomato brought a change in their working environment by introducing paid periods leave under their policy. People now are discussing and questioning many small and medium enterprises over their policies procuring women’s well-being during their menstruation cycle. How ever this was not the first time women menstrual leaves were released, many entities have introduced such leaves as a matter of urgency. The fact that Zomato is in limelight being a huge organization has given rise to one question. Is Zomato more humane or other big organizations are not?

Culture Machine is one of the small companies that saw a need for period leaves insertion, since 2017 they have created a women friendly environment hence granting leave for the 1st day of menstruation every month.

What You Don’t Know About Menstruation

“Most common type of menstruation pain that exist is primary dysmenorrhoea. The level of primary dysmenorrhoea can differ according to different hormonal states. Pain takes place steadily during first two days of period. Says Doctor Manwaring (a prestige gynaecologist). Primary dysmenorrhoea can be treated with painkillers.

However, the period pain of secondary dysmenorrhoea can be hard on female bodies giving rise to serious health conditions. Hence it is important for women and transgenders to prudently observe their period pain and seek help from doctors.

A study shows that 90% of women feel agonizing period pain, of course endurance may differ according to body state.

Is Womanhood Limited To Office Spaces?

As motherhood is a result of menstruation, it is not at all a pleasing state for women. Periods are attached to cramps, heavy bleeding, dysmenorrhea and many such discomforts. Hence limiting period leaves to only women at offices is a mockery of womanhood. Every woman who is going through such a state has the right to get comfort. For being fruitful while studying, doing physical work or mental work, menstruation leaves are equally important in all such life aspects. It’s high time for colleges and other educational institutions to take a step forward accumulating such proposals.

India is divided into different economic groups, the disadvantage of most of the problems are bulky towards poor. This is the responsibility of government to bring into action policies that can preserve menstrual leaves for women working at different economic strata.

Menstruation Cycle – A Matter That Should Not Be Debated!

Menstrual bill is the extension of better working environment for women, by awaring men more and more about menstrual issues and do not see it as taboo. A large number of women think that is important to introduce a menstrual bill so that they may be saved from the gender biases at work, will be given more opportunities and promotions according to their caliber.

Zomato might have challenged the silence over period leaves but it’s CEO has a slightly different take. In an interview he stated  :

“These leaves should only be availed if you are really incapable to attend to work… Do not abuse these leaves or try using them as an aid to take time out for other pending work. Take care of yourself – regular focus on fitness and diet has a positive impact on every bit of your physical and mental health.”  

The fact that women’s health leaves are treated as privilege and not their right is unacceptable. Barkha Dutt (popular journalist) made a statement few days back stating :

“Sorry Zomato, as woke as your decision on #PeriodLeave is, this is exactly what ghettoizes women and strengthens biological determinism. We cannot want to join the infantry, report war, fly fighter jets, go into space, want no exceptionalism and want period leave. PLEASE,”

Every women go through different cycle and pain of menstruation, Barkha Dutt’s statement made this issue only circulating her individuality. On a whole, women all over the nation have ragthed on the streets for period leaves so this is a proof that pan is heavy towards getting menstrual leaves.

Menstrual Leaves Over The World!

There are several countries who understand the need to grant paid menstrual leaves and they are woke at this matter since a long time. In Japan leaves are in action from 1920 however the stigma surrounding this topic has made women deny their right to take leaves.

Apparently, more developing countries are framing their policies in favour of women. Taiwan has introduced three paid leaves for their female employees while Indonesia endows tow leaves per month. I think alarm bells should start ringing for developed countries too and this issue should not be ignored.

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