Intelligent Assistance- AI is your Friend in Art and Crafts

There are plenty of ayes as well as nays when it comes to artificial intelligence in design. Experts have all sorts of opinions about using ai in design, in art and handicrafts. However, we must remember that as things stand today, only humans can create an authentic design. Human agency is necessary for the design to create context and feed the aesthetic needs of the populace. But that hasn’t deterred researchers from bravely charting new frontiers in making AI achieve the design abilities of humans.

According to futurists and industry thought leaders, AI will indeed achieve the ability to think critically. As a result, they can play critical and productive roles in complex tasks and positions. Furthermore, they opine that AI can play a significant role in helping humans design better VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) experiences. They can also facilitate the evolution of its kind- through Machine Learning.

AI holds the promise of making designs for both art and craft a far more manageable task and thereby get more and better designs.

Artificial Cognitive Abilities

With AI, machines can finally “think” in a manner that resembles the process of human thought. To cite an example, modern AIs can deal with visual and auditory information from their surroundings. Further, AIs can store all of this information in their memory and retrieve the same for the required length of time. In other words, modern AIs can “see,” “hear,” and ultimately analyze all such inputs. So don’t be at all startled to hear that current AIs can:

  • Distinguish between different visual data like shapes, colours, codes, objects, texts. For example, AIs can process high-speed movements on western highways (Tesla cars, for example) with great accuracy and without any form of stress.
  • Classify the various types of input information or data and use particular parts of them when needed.
  • Store all sorts of information and facts for extended periods which exceed present human capacities and capabilities.

These “cognitive” capabilities of modern AIs can facilitate an emerging role of the technology in design with the help of sensors and IoT (Internet of Things) devices. It gives AI-based programs to come up with or at least modify art and handicrafts design. Further, suppose the program is fed with popularity information. In that case, it can decently change existing designs and provide various variations without human intervention. Thus, AI helps to ensure that handicrafts, art artists, and craftsmen spend less time “thinking” and more time doing. It, in turn, boosts productivity by leaps and bounds.

Understanding the Context

With the help of AI, machines are now able to understand the context by using suitable algorithms which are not related but are intelligent as well. Furthermore, AIs have the remarkable ability to hold a vast memory. It makes it possible for them to use an enormous corpus of data to base their actions. Such actions have become more effective as they are sensitive to the task’s unique needs and have context.

There are now several ai-powered apps that can develop graphic designs based on specific needs as per the information that the AI receives. Such programs now can categorize design needs. They can accordingly output a wide variety of results that comes with colours, background, textures and other details that suit the need of user artist and artisans.

Additionally, AIs can now personalize its creations. For artists and artisans means that now they can cater to the unique design preferences of clients and come up with additional designs that best appeal to their tastes.

Creating Designs That Are Far More Modular

Brands can now leverage handicraft artists’ craftsmanship to greater extents, thanks to the robust design system that AI makes possible. For example, they can provide specially handcrafted souvenirs and other brand accessories that align with its design scheme and uniqueness. AI achieves such results from the wide variety of design elements, patterns and modules that it uses while coming up with designs. Consistency in design is one of the significant characteristics in marketing these days, be it a humble startup or a large corporate enterprise. With the help of AI, artists and artisans are finally able to add a metrics layer to their creations. As a result, they cater to market needs to far greater extents. The best thing about AI is that the more data you feed into the system, the better the program will provide optimised results.

Make It Possible to Analyse Huge Amounts of Data

Through online interaction, a massive amount of data regarding consumer preferences are generated daily. Further manufacturers themselves account for a large portion of the same. Such data availability led to fields like business intelligence flourishing with the petabytes of data available for analysis. That, in turn, has made data analysis far more complex, refined and valuable than ever before. Such data that AIs can act on only makes the lives of designers and handicrafts manufacturers easy.

Identifying Structures

The ability of AI programs to recognise object structures facilitates the task for machines to distinguish between essential features of human appearance. It includes things like thumb impressions and characteristics of human faces. Such a technological development has made Ais capable of identifying, putting to memory, and detecting structures afterward.

The identification of object structure is something that modern AIs are capable of doing and effective in doing so. They accomplish this ability by registering all images in a specific category. This ability to classify images has made them far more able designers than thought possible before. They can come up with attractive designs in a relative jiffy. However, experts concede that specific components of such tech need to be refined and improved. As of now, many AI image identification tasks are not full-proof, i.e. the program is still prone to make mistakes. Such efficacy is, however, enough to provide to facilitate the work of artists and artisans.

Create Visual Cues and Styles in Design

AI-powered visual style generative tech can apply filters to images and videos intelligently. It is a result of the capability of modern Ais to recognise images. For example, AIs can now differentiate between objects like human bodies and pears and accordingly recommend and implement different filters. AI tech, therefore, can conjure up generative and dynamic visual cues and styles.

AIs can transform half-finished sketches into refined artistic images. Further, the more you interact with machine learning programs, the better the AI program makes refinements to reach your intended result.

The final word of AI in design is still out for the jury- the artists and craftsmen to decide. But it will be safe to say that they sure promise to be effective and intelligent assistants. It makes it possible for even aesthetically inclined but untrained designers to excel at their craft or design of choice. Ultimately, AI makes it easier for specialised professionals to better cater to their users without hassle. Furthermore, it makes designing a more strategic activity through its excellence at automating repetition. It all adds up to far enhanced and personalised design content. Therefore, it only makes sense for artists and artisans of all trades to tap into this considerable design potential of AI. Thus, the design industry stands to benefit in its entirety.

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